The 10 Most Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

According to medical statistics, there are 10 most common cosmetic surgery procedures. Here's a list of the top 10, along with a short description of each one.

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1. Liposuction - Liposuction is a well known type of cosmetic surgery that targets fat deposits under the skin. The surgeon uses a tiny instrument called a cannula to literally suck fat out of the body and re-contour the body. If you choose liposuction, you should be able to return to work after one to two weeks, at the advice of your physician.

2. Breast Enhancement - More than 350,000 women undergo breast enhancement surgery every year in this country. While silicone implants were once banned, they are now quite popular, especially because they have a more natural feel than saline implants. Women undergo surgery to enlarge breasts, but there are also other reasons for the surgery, including breasts that are unequal in size, or due to removal of a breast. Patients can usually return to regular activities after one to two weeks, but athletic activities may have to wait longer.
3. Eye Lid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) - This surgery can correct vision in patients who have drooping eye lids, but it can also reduce puffiness, wrinkling, and bags under the eyes. Patients usually recover in about 10 days, but some swelling can be noticeable for months.
4. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) - There are two types of tummy tucks, the mini tuck, and the full tuck. The mini tuck only targets the lower abdomen, while the full tuck targets the entire abdomen, and leaves a larger scar. The tummy tuck is especially helpful for women after pregnancy, or after a dramatic weight loss. Recovery takes about two to three weeks, but physical activity may be limited for much longer.
5. Breast Reduction - This is one of the few plastic surgery options that insurance may pay for, because it improves many areas of a woman's health. This surgery can reduce back pain and help posture. Recovery time is about two weeks.
6. Nose Job (Rhinoplasty) - This surgery reshapes the nose, and can help with breathing problems, too. There will be bruises after surgery, but patients should be able to return to work in about 10 days.
7. Facelift (Rhytidectomy) - Facelifts used to be the most common of plastic surgery procedures, and a facelift helps fight the wrinkles and sagging that come with aging. Usually, patients can go back to work after two weeks.
8. Breast Lift - A breast lift also helps combat the signs of aging, but patients who have lost a lot of weight may have this surgery, too. Patients probably will be able to go back to work within two weeks.
9. Forehead Lift - This surgery targets wrinkles and sagging in the forehead and between the eyebrows and most people can get back to work after about 10 days.
10. Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) - This is surgery that reduces large amounts of male breast tissue, and it can be a permanent solution to the problem. Most men can go back to work within about a week.

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